In the preface to this book we read:
“The Baha'i Community has long awaited the day when a comprehensive selection from the writings of the Bab would be made available to it. Ever since Shoghi Effendi translated and published Nabil's Narrative, and set forth in his monumental works the exalted station of the Bib, the Baha'is the world over, and particularly those in the West, have, in their longing to draw nearer to the glorious spirit of Him Who was not only the Herald of their Faith but the Bearer of an independent Revelation, eagerly anticipated an authentic compilation of His revealed utterances and writings. This volume, it is hoped, will be an initial and effective step in that direction.
In view of the vastness of the writings of the Bab, a thorough review of His several works was required. The Universal House of Justice entrusted this task to its Research Department. The actual translation was made by Mr. Habib Taherzadeh, who for several years himself served in that Department. With the assistance of a committee which worked with him, this work is now completed, and it is being made available to Baha'is and the general public as a precious addition to the volume of Baha'i literature in the English language.”
The Table of Contents shows the following:
Tablets and Addresses
Excerpts from the Qayyumu’l-Asma
Excerpts from the Persian Bayan
Excerpts from the Dala’il-i-Sab’ih (The Seven Proofs)
Excerpts from the Kitab-i-Asma (The Book of Names)
Excerpts from Various Writings
Prayers and Meditation
The book has 236 pages. It provides a rare and precious opportunity for us to become exposed to the Teachings of the Bab, “the King of the Messengers”(Baha’u’llah, Tablet of Ahmad).